Canine Bug Out Bag

Canine Bug Out Bag

Canine Bug Out Bag

Photo graphic from

Many of us have pets that are like family. However, when it comes to bugging out, we do consider them but often don’t realize they too need a bug out bag! If it is light enough and your canine is capable and willing to carry his/her own so much the better. I have a small dog (under 25 pounds) who is quite willing and able to carry his own bag which contains his emergency gear and the emergency supplies for the cat as well! I have practiced with him wearing the bag as during an emergency situation is not the time that I want to find out that the bag is too heavy, that he is afraid of it, or that it doesn’t fit him well. I did include the cats supplies as in with the dogs because the cat will not under any conditions leave the pack on his back end of story, we could be knee high in disaster and he wouldn’t budge and would only concentrate on getting it off!

I recommend that you add a couple of things to the emergency bag for your pet that aren’t included on the list in the featured article. Any medication the animal is currently taking or that you assume he/she might need under stressful circumstances. If the disaster you’re leaving to escape is localized, you definitely will want to include in your pets bag all his/her personal information ie.. his/her name, your name, your vet’s information, if the animal is on medication instructions for use should be included and all this should be in a sealed waterproof bag or laminated. If you should become separated from the animal for any reason this will help you to reunite. For a list of other recommended items continue reading at the link below.

Bug Out Bag for Dogs: Make sure your dog is prepared


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