Canning Using a Wood Fire

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 Canning Using a Wood Fire

canning with wood fire

Photo from Ozark Mountain Family

Homesteaders, preppers and the fiscally responsible all can when produce is in season for use when it is not so readily available. One of the best ways of reducing your monthly grocery bill and extending the use of your harvest. Not only financially responsible, home canned goods have your own special blend and taste.

In a long term grid down situation canning will be come even more common. Even among the general population as storing food will become harder and less easy to access for everyone. Knowing how to can and store those goods now in normal times is wise and gives you a head start for the time when it will become a necessity to keep your family fed. Knowing how to do it over a wood fire even better as that will be the preferred method when there isn’t power to operate traditional stoves.

For tips on canning over a wood fed fire see the video link below

 Canning Over a Wood Fire


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