Catching, Filtering, & Storing Rainwater

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Catching, Filtering, & Storing Rainwater

 Catching, Filtering, & Storing Rainwater

Photos: livingorganic_org & members_cogwa_org

Just about anyone can stick a rain barrel under an eave and catch rainwater. After of course, checking if you have any rules against it from any HOA that might govern your property. Some states have laws about catching rainwater, however, in most of those states the laws apply to very large amounts and what it can be used for. Most of us will only use this water as grey water and in small enough amounts that the government doesn’t intervene. But if you want to use this water for drinking at any time in the future you will need to know how to properly catch, filter and store it. The featured article below from our friends at Homestead Dreamer provides that information. Just continue at the link below

Unraveling the Mystery: Catching Rainwater

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