Having Children After SHTF

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Having Children After SHTF

Children After SHTF

Photo: secretsofthefed_com

It is a question almost as old as time. From the time that people learned where babies came from there has been debate on whether they should or should not attempt to have children. We have all seen the pictures of starving children and babies in 3rd world countries and the majority of us have at least thought why would you have a child when you can’t feed yourself? Hopefully no one  reading this will ever suffer that kind of pain. I can’t even truly imagine it. But does this mean as we know disasters will come and go that we should not or should put off having the next generation? If we do so would it be the biggest SHTF event of all time ending the human race? See what the Prepper Dome has to say on the subject at the featured link below

Children after SHTF: Liability or Responsibility

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