Sooner Rather Than Later, Civil Unrest Will Be At Your Doorstep

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Sooner Rather Than Later, Civil Unrest Will Be At Your Doorstep

Sooner Rather Than Later, Civil Unrest Will Be At Your Doorstep

Photo: news.discovery

I will say it again. Terrible things happen everyday to other people… until one day you are one of those other people. Who ever imagined Ferguson Missouri would be the site of ghastly riots? Orlando Florida the scene of a massacre? That Nice France would be victim to a homicidal truck driver? Or even that shooting tragedy could strike a second time in Dallas Texas? No one ever could have imagined the horror of 911 and the impact it has left on the world.

We need to be aware that you don’t need to be in the big city, in a bad neighborhood, somewhere you shouldn’t have been or doing something that you ordinarily would be doing to become a victim of the random rage of an individual or an organized group. Civil Unrest will eventually affect your life.  It is easy to second guess the victims and so much easier to find a way to say that can’t happen to me because I would of…. or they should of… when the fact is we don’t know until it is us!

Having an idea in advance of what to do will help you react in the way you imagine and have preplanned prior to being in the situation. See some advice on that from Preparing for SHTF at the featured article below

Civil Unrest Will Be A Threat Sooner Rather Than Later


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