Is the Clock Running Out on North Korea?

Is the Clock Running Out on North Korea?

Has the Clock Run Out on North Korea?

Photo: globalsecurityorg

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One world event that is bound to effect all of us, is the possibility of war. Particularly nuclear war. Is North Korea pushing the rest of the world especially the United States to begin bombing as a first strike defense? Those on the west coast face the possibility of dealing with the initial ramifications of allowing North Korea to make a first strike and the rest of the country (actually the whole continent including Canada and Mexico) dealing with the after effects of such an event. We as preppers are all too aware of the ramifications to our lives by such a crisis. Even those who are from other more distant countries understand that the outcome of this standoff of sorts will effect them and their home countries as well.

After the time of the writing of the featured link, there were some talks with North Korea that we were hopeful would end this crisis. However, North Korea has declined to actually follow through with any of the proposed solutions and is once again testing weapons of mass distruction. Sadly making this particular blog post even more relevant than before.

Has North Korea run down the clock of patience with their tests and threats? Will the bombings begin by either side? Should our precautions as individuals focus more on this possibility? See the opinion of Michael Snyder from The Economic Collapse blog linked below.

Did the talks between the USA, S. Korea and N. Korea really change anything?

Is The United States About To Bomb North Korea? The White House Says ‘The Clock Has Now Run Out’


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 Has the Clock Run Out on North Korea?

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