Communication After the World Goes Silent

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Communication After the World Goes Silent

 Communication After the World Goes Silent

Photo: 101waystosurvive

Immediately after an emergency situation as soon as we know we are for the moment safe from the initial event in today’s world our second priority tends to be contacting friends and family to assess not only our own situation but to reassure ourselves of their safety as well. Then if the scenario warrants it, we begin our search for survival resources whether that be basic shelter, fire, water, and food or community assistance to cope with the aftermath. An interim short-term emergency we hope to regain our old communication methods over time. But if the situation is long term, we must first make sure we have the survival basics in place and then find another method of communication for both inside and outside our own small group.

The featured article from 101 ways to survive, talks about alternative methods of communications other than the telephone land or cell line. It even provides frequencies for use. Check it out at the link below

How to communicate when the world goes silent


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