Could You, Would You, Leave Someone Behind?

Could You, Would You, Leave Someone Behind?

Could You, Would You, Leave Someone Behind?

Photo: clan101airborne-tripod

No Man Left Behind. Ingrained in many of us. The creed of brothers in arms. They have the right to know that no matter how bad it gets they will not be left behind to die alone or become a captive of war. The stuff of heroes.

But when push comes to shove and you aren’t on a battle field with others who have the training and the abilities of skilled warriors. Can you, or should you, leave someone behind? If your family’s safety is at stake? Can you choose between the safety of one loved one over another? These and many other factors to consider are discussed at the featured link below from Ask a Prepper.

Would You be Able to Leave Someone Behind?

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 Could You, Would You, Leave Someone Behind?