Crisis Heroes’ Untold Story

Crisis Heroes’ Untold Story

 Crisis Heroes' Untold Story

Photo: zmescience_com

We hear a ton on the nightly news about those that propagate evil. The murderers, rapists, rioters, and thieves but the heroes that simply do the right thing are rarely talked about. Yes, we do hear about the brave men and women who step up and stop the bad guy at great risk to their own personal safety and we take a day or two a year to thank the soldiers and first responders for their daily bravery. But what about the everyday guy who simply chooses to do the right thing when all others have walked away? Perhaps if their names and stories were told more often and in bolder print, we would have a generation of young people who want to be known for doing right! Everyone knows who the Kardashians are, but do you know who Maurice Rowland and Miguel Alvarez are? Read their untold story at the featured link below

‘If We Left, They Wouldn’t Have Nobody’

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