Cutting Plastic Out of the Picture

Cutting Plastic Out of the Picture

 Cut Plastic Out of the Picture

Photo: forevergreenwaste

Sometimes it’s hard to imagine a world without plastic. You may not even realize how often during your daily life you come into contact with plastic one way or another throughout your day. It was one of the most lucrative brilliant inventions of its time. Along with the population growth the use of plastic materials has kept pace in numbers.

I love that we now can officially (through governmental and corporate programs) recycle some of the plastic we use remaking new plastic items and even better that we can privately recycle many plastic items through personal projects to take what was waste and reuse it for something new. Statistically the numbers indicate we actually only recycle about 9% of the plastic we use, and the rest ends up in landfills.

Sadly, this takes years and years to degrade and, in the meantime, pollutes and uses space and resources that could be so much better used. The once brilliant lucrative product is now a waste issue that effects the entire world. It is time to let it go and relearn to live without plastic as much as is reasonably possible.

The featured article provides 10 such ideas to help cut plastic and its waste out of the picture.

10 Life Hacks to Help You Cut Plastic Out of the Picture


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