Dad’s Dandelion Wine

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Dad’s Dandelion Wine

 Dad's Dandelion Wine

Photo: tcpermacultureblogspotcom

My dad has been gone now more then 17 years, but nothing reminds me of better times with him then his dandelion wine except of course his MIY root beer! When we were kids, he used to pay us kids a penny per dandelion! LOL Here is his recipe may you and your family enjoy it as much as ours did!



1-quart yellow dandelion blossoms (well drained)
1-gallon boiling water
1 .25 ounce package active dry yeast
8 cups white granulated sugar
1 orange sliced
1 lemon slice


1.Place dandelion blossoms in the boiling water, and allow to stand for 4 minutes. Remove and discard the blossoms, and let the water cool to 90 degrees F (32 degrees C).

2.Stir in the yeast, sugar, orange slices, and lemon slice; pour into a plastic fermenter, and attach a fermentation lock. Let the wine ferment in a cool area until the bubbles stop, 10 to 14 days.

3.Siphon the wine off of the lees, and strain through cheesecloth before bottling in quart-sized, sterilized canning jars with lids and rings. Age the wine at least a week for best flavor.

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