Dangerous Beauty – Giant Hogweed Plant

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Dangerous Beauty – Giant Hogweed Plant

 Dangerous Beauty - Giant Hogweed Plant

Photo : express_co_uk

At first glance when I saw this article and others on this extremely dangerous plant, I thought it was Queen Anne’s Lace! As you can see from the pictures (the above is Hogweed and the one below is Queen Anne’s Lace) they look quite a bit alike to the novice. So I had to look to see why this lovely plant was deemed to be so dangerous!

Dangerous Beauty - Giant Hogweed Plant

Queen Anne’s Lace Photo: publicdomainpictures_net

What I found was definitely scary! It is an invasive plant that is spreading now in Canada and the USA. It has been found growing in the following states and providences.


For additional information on this plant and it’s danger see the link below

If You See This Plant, Whatever You Do Don’t Touch It!

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