Defending an Apartment After A SHTF

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Defending an Apartment After A SHTF

Defending an Apartment After A SHTF

Photo: bizbeatblogdallasnewscom

Living in an urban area during and after a SHTF event has its own challenges. Add that thousands of us live in an apartment which adds another layer of factors. I actually can see some advantages, but most folks see only the difficulties associated with living with so many other people so close by during a time when emotions are running high, supplies are limited, and tempers are short. Some are fortunate enough to know and get along with their neighbors but as always, the adage of “you can choose your friends but not your neighbors” applies.

What is different about prepping while in an apartment vs a house? See what Urban Survival has to say about that at the featured link below

Defending an Apartment After A Major Disaster

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