Defensive Tactics During SHTF Under Fire

Defensive Tactics During SHTF Under Fire

defensive tactics

Photo by Borderzine

Soldiers, journalists, law enforcement, and first responders all deal with the idea that they will be required to continue working possibly while under fire. This is an area they are well trained in and we should be too!

If and when the SHTF we will be under combat conditions even if not directly under fire. The reverse of an old adage is true under these conditions. The best offense can be a good defense! But most of us are not trained nor automatically think in terms of tactical defense. It involves more than just avoidance.

It is a methodology that needs to be learned and can often be the direct opposite of what our natural tendencies are. Under fire most of us would without thinking hit the ground and attempt to get out of the line of fire before considering where we were going and may simply follow the person ahead of us instinctively. In some circumstances while under fire the tactic of leapfrogging may be more effective and safer for all involved.

To learn more about defensive tactics and begin learning to think in a tactical manner continue at the link below.

Defensive Tactics When Under Fire


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