Depression Meals You Don’t Want

Depression Meals You Don’t Want

depression meals

Photo from RMS

I may be aging myself by telling you this, but my mother was a child during the great depression. So when I was a child when times were tight she reverted to the old stand by meals of her own childhood. I have actually had a meal or two (or more) on this list! I strongly believe that this is where the prepper motto of  “store what you eat and eat what you store”  comes from! None of these meals are appetizing if that’s all you have. I will never again in my life if God’s willing eat another bowl of flour mush! Good nutrition is important all the time but especially so during times of crisis. You will need more strength and stamina than usual, and honestly what an downer to your spirits would these meals be?

Take a look at the meals eaten by the generation before us who lived through a time when these meals were common fare, then get into your own pantry and get that list going of supplies you want to have on hand should the SHTF and you can’t restock for some time!

Could you stomach these Great Depression meals?

For a little help on determining what should be on that list and in what quantity get your free downloadable food storage list through this link

Downloadable Customizable Food Storage Spreadsheet


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