What to do if You Discover Human Remains

What to do if You Discover Human Remains

What to do if You Discover Human Remains

Photo: facepunch.com

Not a nice thought. But it could happen, you could be the one who discovers human remains. The probability is low thank goodness, but the more time you spend in the outdoors the higher the possibility. It is a sad fact that there are those souls who have not been properly laid to rest in an area reserved for human burial.

Because we talk a lot about and provide a lot of information on doing things outdoorsy, this is an unpleasant subject that has to be a part of the discussion. I hope it is never something that you or I ever have to deal with. But if it is, there are some things that you should be aware of that will make that situation less traumatic to you, the loved ones of the deceased and helpful to the authorities. It could also help prevent you from inadvertently doing or not doing something that would legally affect you. See the information on this subject from Preparing for SHTF linked below

While Hiking or Hunting You May Discover Human Remains: What Do You Do


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