DIY No-Freeze Watering Station

DIY No-Freeze Watering Station


Photos: Sustainable Living

While there is still a bit of warmth in the air, now is a great time to winterize your chicken coop by installing a heat lamp and an anti-freeze watering station. Nothing is worse than having to go out into the cold to thaw out or replace your chickens’ water twice a day during the winter because it’s frozen. Could work for a doghouse as well. Just make sure wherever you might use it that you secure it from tipping.

Terracotta Pot with Base
Watering Bowl
Clip-on Lamp Kit
40-Watt Bulb
Extension Cord & Splicer
3 Bricks

1 – Clamp the light to the side of the pot with a 40-Watt bulb to start. Use a scrap piece of cardboard on the clamp to avoid cracking the pot

2 – Place 3 Bricks with The Pot with Light Kit Attached Upside Down

3 – Put the Chicken Water Bowl into the Terracotta Base and Place It onto The Bottom of The Pot. The Bottom of The Pot Has a Hole Drilled into It Which Allows the Heat from The Bulb to Heat Up the Terracotta Base That the Water Bowl Sits In. This Heat from The Light Bulb Warms the Water Just Enough to Keep It from Freezing.

4 – Plug the Lamp into The Splicer, Which Can Also Be Used to Plug in the Heat Lamp

NOTE: In Colder Climates, Higher Wattage Bulbs May Be Required to Keep Water from Freezing

Source: Sustainable Living
Originally published:

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