DIY Canned Bacon

DIY Canned Bacon

DIY Canned Bacon

Photo: Rural Revolution

I was thrilled when the first precooked bacon came out on grocery shelves. Bacon quick and easy? It doesn’t get better!! I tried to throw a few packages in the back of the pantry, but those things were just too easy, and my kids would have them gone before the end of the week. If it is easy and tasty, they are all over it! So, I was considering purchasing some canned bacon and while searching for the best most cost-effective brand, I came across this article on canning your own!

I like being able to do my own quality control and now when it is on sale, I can stock up without filling up my freezer. See how it’s done at the link below. However, there are sites that say bacon is one meat that should never be canned…. so do so at your own risk and only if you are well versed in the pros and cons of the fat in the bacon in regard to canning and if you have been doing your own canning for a long enough period to be comfortable with the safety of your methods.

Canning bacon

For the flip side that says canning bacon is NOT SAFE see

Items NOT to Can


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