DIY Cigar Survival Fishing Kit

DIY Preparedness: Cigar Survival Fishing Kit

DIY Preparedness: Cigar Survival Fishing Kit

Photo credit: Todd Walker via Survival Sherpa

Many folks include fishing gear as part of their bug out, get home, and 72 hour bags. Your normal sport fishing kit however, is a little on the large size to carry in your emergency bags. There are just so many other items that are perhaps a higher priority.

But  If your trip home or your bug out becomes a  long term situation you will want this option for obtaining food. So Todd Walker went about making an emergency fishing kit himself with the end result being about the size of a cigar!  Inexpensive, DIY and small enough to fit easily in any emergency bag is a winner. See how he put it together at the link below.

DIY Cigar Survival Fishing Kit


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