DIY Generator Muffler

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DIY Generator Muffler

 DIY Generator Muffler


There are several reasons for quieting down your generator. First and most obvious is they are simply loud and annoying. When power is out because of a storm or other short term grid down situation. (The last time my own was down was due to a serious auto vs transformer accident) you may want to use your generator to keep freezers and refrigerators etc… running. This doesn’t mean you don’t want to sleep or that your neighbors don’t either! A generator with a poor muffler or a damaged muffler can be so loud you can’t hear yourself think never mind sleep!

In a long term grid down situation due to a SHTF event, you will want your generator to be as stealthy as possible. Advertising your location via the noise or announcing to the neighborhood that you have a generator and therefor power isn’t a wise idea. Most often generators are gas powered (although they can be built to run on solar powerDIY Portable Solar Generator / DIY Solar Generator From Old Solar Lights  or to run on water power DIY Water Wheel Generator ) and this can draw in those bugging out past  your location and are looking for gas for their vehicles or other survivors looking for gas for their own generators. You don’t want to draw trouble right to your front door. So the quieter the better. You can purchase and should have on hand spare parts for your generator including a muffler HERE as well as other methods of helping your generator be less noisy.

But in an emergency scenario or if you simply are good with mechanics and want to save some money you can make your own generator silencer. See the instructions at the featured link below from Warlord on alpharubicon . com

 Quieten That Generator!

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