DIY Gravity Chicken Feed Dispenser

DIY Gravity Chicken Feed Dispenser

DIY Gravity Chicken Feed Dispenser

Photo: cassiadawn

Livestock of any size is a lot of work, including chickens. If you could reduce the daily chores involved, why wouldn’t you?  This gravity feeder could substantially reduce your workload especially if paired with the DIY Automatic Chicken Watering System.

During any crisis or storm the last thing you want to worry about is the chickens. Very important part of your homestead and perhaps your food chain. They can’t be neglected. If you have a feed dispenser in place like this one developed by Cassiadawn from Backyard Chickens forum during a storm or even a temporary bug out, you could ensure your chickens are fed even when you can’t physically be there on a daily basis.

See her creative gravity fed chicken feeder at the featured link below

Gravity feeder with PVC and a galvanized garbage pail (PICS)

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