DIY Greenhouse From Old Windows

DIY Greenhouse From Old Windows

DIY Greenhouse From Old Windows

Photo by by cheft

Of all the DIY greenhouses we have shown the plans for over this past year this is my favorite stand alone design. I do love those that are built into the earth for their ease of maintenance and added self sustainability but the stand alone designs are the easiest to build. I love this particular one because it involves recycling first of all, and because it’s small enough to build several spread out across your property so if one destroyed by a storm or something you don’t lose your entire harvest or ability to grow off season. Small enough that if you miss judged the site or if your in an urban area and the landscape around you changes (as in suddenly there is a three story over shadowing your building) it can be moved to a more advantageous site even on a roof top!

For the instructions see this link >> Greenhouse From Old Windows


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