DIY Mini Root Cellars

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DIY Mini Root Cellars

DIY Mini Root Cellars

Photo from oureventualhomestead

Not everyone has the space, financial ability or physical ability to build their own root cellar. But everyone does want to save money and keep their stored goods fresher longer. Once you understand the basics of how a root cellar works you can improvise on the structure. For an overview see the following link >> Root Cellars: The Basics

Now that we understand how it works… we have 4 very basic ideas for building your own mini root cellars. So easy that anyone with almost any financial limitations, space issues and most physical abilities can do themselves! See those plans here >>7 Simple DIY Root Cellars – Keep Your Food Fresh With No Electricity

Those are just 4 very easy doable ideas. I have no doubt that homesteaders and preppers who tend to be extremely clever and extraordinarily adaptable and creative can come up with other easy doable ideas. If you design your own version of a do it yourself simple root cellar let us know on our Facebook page The Prepared Page and we would love to feature it!


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