DIY Organic Garden Pest Spray

DIY Organic Garden Pest Spray

organic pest spray

photo from DIY Naturals

One of the biggest issues with organic gardening is pest control. It is also the biggest issue for consumers who do not want chemicals and toxins sprayed and leaching into their food!  All gardeners struggle with keeping their harvest bug free and safe to consume. So, enter the homemade organic pest spray. This particular recipe is organic and contains no toxins but a natural deterrent to bugs and some of the other critters that like to munch on your produce too! Made with hot peppers, cayenne pepper and garlic it is completely safe but can cause skin and eye irritation if you come into direct undiluted contact with the ingredients so insure you wear the appropriate safety gear when using.

See the recipe and ingredients at the link below and happy gardening!

Homemade Hot Pepper Spray for Organic Gardening


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