DIY Paracord Snow Shoes

DIY Paracord Snow Shoes

 DIY Paracord Snow Shoes

Photos: Pure Carbon

If you now or ever have lived in an area with extreme hash winters you know that your body is simply not equipped by nature to survive those temperatures. Particularly your extremities. Your feet and hands are very sensitive to the cold. Mittens and boots are imperative and when the snow is especially deep snow shoes can make all the difference between life and death. Being able to trod over the snow will enable you to get to or back to a warm shelter.

As humans we are biped, without fur and often much heavier than those critters that can scamper across the snow banks. All of our weight is placed upon only two supports (our legs) and our outer ‘coat’ is skin and not fur, so it isn’t meant to stave off below freezing temperatures, The majority of winterized animals have 4 points of support balancing their weight over a larger area, thick fur coats that thicken in relation to the temps that surround them. One way to off set these deterrents to our movement in snowy freezing weather are snow shoes. They help not only rebalance our weight, but also assist in keeping our feet out of the snow carrying us along the top rather than sinking directly into it.

Unfortunately, not all of us have the money to invest in a durable and effective pair. Thankfully, there are quite a few creative minds out there who have put together a how-to on making your own. Read on to find out how you can take part in this fun and useful project.

Pure Carbon on Instructables provides a step by step tutorial for making your own snow shoes out of paracord. Paracord is a survival item that every prepper should already have on hand. See those instructions linked below

Paracord Snow Shoes


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