DIY PCV Gravity Aquaponic Garden

DIY PCV Gravity Aquaponic Garden

 DIY PCV Aquaponic Garden

Photo: goodhomesdesigns

Aquaponic gardens are becoming more and more popular. I always say they are mini little eco systems and they are! So actually, aquaponic gardening has always been around, but we are just beginning to bring them into our small corners of the world… our homes and gardens.

But building one can be a major undertaking. Just like in the world’s eco system when it’s not in balance it fails. So, can you, do it? Can you make a small independent world within your own? If you don’t have tons to spend and don’t want to invest in huge tanks and all the bells and whistles until you’re sure this is something, you can maintain and even want to maintain.

Try a small inexpensive DIY system like this one first. See how at the following link

How To Easily Build a Gravity-Based PVC Aquaponic Garden


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