DIY Quick Easy Fruit Picker

DIY Quick Easy Fruit Picker

DIY Quick Easy Fruit Picker


I so wish we had been clever enough to think of making a fruit picker when we were kids picking apples.

Our brilliant idea for those fruits we couldn’t reach from our step stool (our mother was clever enough not to allow us a ladder) was one of my siblings or myself would climb as high as we believed the branches would hold us and shake the tree raining the fruit down on each other. Not only did we end up with lots of knots on the noggins and a broken bone here or there but we bruised the fruit! I imagine this is why we were only allowed to go in and pick after the best were already harvested. I am reminded of those days as the weather begins to cool and the old bones begin to ache where they were so badly abused all those years ago!

Spare yourself the pain and bruised fruit by making your own easy fruit picker as instructed at the featured link below from Grit.

A Quick and Easy Fruit Picker

Don’t have an orchard of your own yet? Grow Your Own Apple Trees From Seed 

What to use all those apples for? 2 Dozen + Ways to Use Your Apples


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