DIY Survival Cement/Cob Bricks

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DIY Survival Cement/Cob Bricks

 DIY Survival Cement/Cob Bricks


In almost any SHTF crisis this will be handy knowledge to have! Concrete or cement will be difficult to obtain due to the amount of structural damage done to buildings and structures, or in a total TEOTWAWKI scenario, is simply won’t be produced any longer.

You could very easily have structural damage to your home, out buildings, bug out location or retaining walls. Even to landscape walls making them unstable therefore unsafe. These things will have to be repaired to make your location safe and habitable.

It could be necessary to build from the ground up for your hunker down location or even from the rubble of your home or alternative shelter. There will also be things like fire pits etc.. if you want them indoors for cooking or heat purposes, they will have to be made from a fire resistant material that can safely be vented.

Survival cement aka cob is your most viable solution in these scenarios. Learn how to make it now. You may even find for smaller things at your current location that don’t require building permits like fire pits, outdoor cob ovens, or landscaping retainer walls this is a frugal option. See step by step instructions from Survivopedia linked below

How To Make Survival Cement For Your Off Grid Home

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