DIY Survival Fishing Kit

DIY Survival Fishing Kit

DIY Survival Fishing Kit

Photo graphic by Matt2 Silver

If you reside in a location where there are bodies of water for fishing, then this little survival kit will be an awesome addition to your BOB (bug out bag). It’s small, lightweight, and includes everything you need to catch fish. Fish are an important source of protein which is much needed for retaining good health in a crisis scenario. It is also a quiet way of obtaining food and that silence may be important OPSEC in some situations.

As stated in the article remember this fishing kit is intended for a SHTF situation when fish and game laws are no longer relevant. Its intent is to keep you alive and not for recreational fishing. Make sure before you begin fishing in normal times that you have checked and complied with all the fish and game laws in your state or country. But when it comes to feeding yourself amid the chaos this could be just the ticket. See the instructions at the link below

Survival Fishing Kit

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