DIY Vertical Squash Arch

DIY Vertical Squash Arch

squash arch

Photo from Get Busy Gardening

Who would have thought that squash could be the focal point of your garden? Better yet you can build it yourself!

Squash actually is a pretty plant, a bit of a rambling vine that has to be tamed or it takes over the space, but it has great large deep green leaves with large bright blooms. Why not grow it vertically and on an arch, that you can DIY? It will add beauty and function to your garden making harvesting less of a chore as well. No stooping or digging under vines looking for the vegetable!

Anything that makes the process of becoming more self-sufficient and producing your own food easier is a good thing! See how to do your own DIY vertical squash arch at the link below from Get Busy Gardening.

How To Build a Squash Arch


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