Don’t Throw Out That Old Car Battery Revive It!

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Don’t Throw Out That Old Car Battery Revive It!

 Don’t Throw Out That Old Car Battery Revive It!

Photo: howitoocom

One of the neatest recycle reuse instructables I have seen in a long time! Car batteries are not cheap! But as  Luxstar tells then shows us, they can be revived and reused for another purpose. He calls them the “undead” battery and it is kind of parallels my growing into old age with health issues! I might not be able to hike up the mountain any more but I am able to make it up the hill! Just like these batteries they may not be strong enough to start your car, but they have enough life in them to be used for other things, like solar devices! Check out his step by step instructions for reviving that old battery and giving it a new life and purpose!

Uses For Dead Car Batteries And Sealed Lead Acid Batteries

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