Doomsday Skills

Doomsday Skills

Doomsday Skills

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After a serious crisis event especially one that’s effects are worldwide there will be a certain skills sets sought out by almost every prepping group. Even if that group is only your own family, neighborhood or community.

None of us are capable of being an expert at every needed skill. If anyone ever tells you they are, my personal advice is to take it for what it is worth…. learn what you can and move on!  However, we all do have our own unique skill sets and specialties. Most good preppers and homesteaders know a little bit about just about every venue of survival.

Long term we are aware that may not be enough. Those that have had the title “parent” can tell you it’s a bit like that job, cook, bottle washer, gardener, gatherer, nurse, repair man, plumber and physiologist. But when our child’s eyes roll back in their heads or our teen has an auto accident, we want a real full time completely educated doctor!

So what skills should we concentrate on? Whose skill set should we try and find to complete our own? Find out the Bio-peppers opinion on that by continuing at the link below

Skills That Will Come In Handy On Doomsday 


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