Earthquake Preparedness Checklist

Earthquake Preparedness Checklist

Earthquake Preparedness Checklist

photo from

Devastating and sudden earthquakes strike all across the world with little to no warning. In a matter of moments they can bring down hundreds of years of structures and take lives. It feels very much like the entire world has turned to a roller coaster that you can not get off of.

There is no amount of prepping that can guarantee your home and property will not be damaged nor that no one you care for won’t be injured. But there are steps that you can take before a quake to protect yourself and family, things that you can do during a quake to increase your chances of coming through unscathed and preparations you can make now the will assist you and your family in getting through the aftermath.

To see a checklist of these preps continue at the following link

Earthquake Safety Checklist


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