Elderberry Tonic Benefits and Recipe

Elderberry Tonic Benefits and Recipe

Elderberry Tonic Benefits and Recipe

Photos: motherearthnews

I am a big fan of natural remedies. Especially for prevention. Seeing your doctor for small things that can be handled naturally wasn’t done when I was growing up. We quickly learned that If you can prevent the problem all together it is only wise to do so! Seeing the doctor is time consuming and expensive as well.

There may come a time when medical care isn’t as accessible as it is today and for some it is already difficult to do. I feel your body knows what to do and how to process natural ingredients. Our bodies were not intended to process synthetic ingredients. We strongly stress that if you have a medical condition that you indeed see your family doctor. But hope that with a little bit of natural healing here and there in your life your need to do so will decrease.

For natural assistance with cold and flu the elderberry is an awesome alternative to over-the-counter remedies. See their benefits and an elderberry tonic recipe at the featured link below

Elderberry Tonic for Cold and Flu Prevention

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