Emergency Pantry Stocked for About $60.00

Emergency Pantry Stocked for About $60.00

Emergency Pantry Stocked for About $60.00

Photo from lesliethemiller.wordpress.com

I am the first to admit that it isn’t easy to prepare for tomorrow while trying to keep a household going for today. I also realize that it is necessary to do! Once you have your basic pantry going it becomes easier and you are able to extend your preps to include some variety and extras that aren’t necessary but sure are nice to have in a crisis situation. Having a small pantry set aside and stocked for emergency use can make a extreme blizzard a small inconvenience instead of a harrowing time where you are risking life and limb to feed your family or a flood into an adventure on your own little high and dry suddenly water front property rather than a worrisome time wondering how to keep the family warm and fed for the night.

The featured article provides a basic pantry stock that can fed your family for the FEMA recommended length of preparation of 3 days. It is just the bare basics but it is a good starting point to slowly build upon and can keep your family going until the predicted time that you should need to find outside assistance. I believe as do many others that 3 days is definitely not enough time for things to return to normal if they are ever going to return to the way they were before the disaster hit. But once again, it is a starting point.

Please allow for inflation and raise the budget given to a more suitable number for your particular local. See the list and accompanying recipes that could bring your family through during a tough time at the link below


How To Stock An Emergency Food Pantry For Less Than $60


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