Escape From the Trunk of a Car

Escape From the Trunk of a Car

Escape From the Trunk of a Car

Photo: superstock_com

We all like to think that we will never be the victims of a violent crime, until it happens to us! I have no reason to believe that I would ever be a target of anyone. But neither did all the victims out there who survived and so did those that didn’t.

I do, however, know that I would want to be one of the survivors. That means I need to be prepared for just about any possibility including kidnapping. One of the favorite methods of carting off a victim is to simply throw them in the truck of an automobile. So, one of the favorite tactics for victims needs to be knowing how to escape that dilemma.

Our friends at the Art of Manliness have pulled an excerpt from the book ‘100 Deadly Skills’ to bring us the most often used methods of the would-be bad guy for getting the victim into the situation of being in the trunk of a car and the methods developed by SEAL operatives for getting out of such a scenario. See that and an illustrated guide at the link below

How to Escape From the Trunk of a Car: An Illustrated Guide


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