Escaping Quicksand

Escaping Quicksand

Escaping Quicksand

Photo: faithtwins

I live in a region of the United States where there is a lot of water. Which is supposed to be conducive to creating quicksand. But I have never personally seen quicksand that I am aware of. However, in many parts of the world especially near bodies of water, swamps, etc. this could be a legitimate concern.

Now on TV you always see one of three scenarios happen when the unfortunate soul steps in quicksand. Usually if they are not alone their partner for some reason is always lucky enough to not also find himself or herself also caught in the trap and they are suddenly able to see where the edge of the sinking hole is, and this partner locates a long enough stick or a rope and pulls our wet sinking unfortunate out of the quicksand safe and sound.

Or there just happens to be a long overhanging vine or branch that the lost soul can reach, and he or she heroically grabs on and through sheer strength of will is able to pull themselves out. And the final scenario either our hero is alone, or the partner stands and watches while he/she sinks under never to be seen again. This is the scenario that I personally would like to avoid if I ever should come across quicksand!

The author of the featured article linked below claims to have been in quicksand a couple of times and gives what sounds like very reasonable advice for getting yourself out on your own and if that vine just isn’t in reach!

How to Escape Quicksand


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