Famine Menu-Limited Storage Plan

Famine Menu-Limited Storage Plan

Famine Menu

Graphic: superawesomevectorscom

Again, we are using a phrase that appears to be an oxymoron. When there is famine how can you have a menu? Because you prepared!

The menu featured in the linked article is a bare subsistence nutritionally balanced survival mode daily intake allowance. To stay alive, you must have fuel and it has to be balanced in a way that keeps your body moving as it needs to, to do the work necessary to ensure that a famine menu is a temporary situation. You will be burning more calories than you are taking in, so you have to make sure those calories produce the optimum amount of value to your body.

If you are just beginning to prepare, if prepping what you really eat on a daily basis is just out of your financial reach right now, or if you are preparing what you can perhaps barter with those who lost supplies or were not prepared, or to give to others to get them off your doorstep during a crisis. This is that menu!

A Famine Menu — A Bare-Bones Food Storage Plan

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