Field Dressing a Deer

Field Dressing a Deer

Field Dressing a Deer

photo readtiger

Almost everyone who talks about post SHTF food sources refers to foraging, gardening, and hunting. Hunting is not a pretty thing to see or do. It’s not a far-off shot and that is it, you go home and feed your family this foreign food that magically appears after the gun shot. It is bloody and unpleasant.

Field dressing your game is important for several reasons, first to insure the most use of the animal as possible. The animal has given up its life so that you may continue to live yours in a must hunt scenario. Use all that you hunt and be grateful that for that day you were not the hunted but the hunter and have been able to provide for yourself and your family.

Secondly you need to carry the game out of the area in which you were hunting. Carrying a full-grown deer is difficult if not impossible depending upon how far you need to take it to prepare it to be used. So, field dressing is imperative to making it movable. The longer the animal remains intact the faster it begins to decompose so field dressing is also important so that your meat remains eatable,

Find below an article on field dressing a deer. Be warned it can be graphic.



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