Foraging Purple Dead Nettle

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Foraging Purple Dead Nettle

 Foraging Purple Dead Nettle

Photo: blogchestnutherbscom

This is another of those annoying weeds in my yard … particularly in one of my garden beds that I have been pulling out by the roots for ever and it always seems to come back!

Lucky for me that it does! I did not know of its edibility nor its nutritional value and medical benefits until I came across this featured article! No more feeling guilty when it over takes the garden bed the purple dead nettle calls home in my yard because I feel lax about my weeding! I can now hold my head up when the master gardener from across the way looks around my garden and sees these. I can now announce with pride, “Look what I grew” and tell her all about its value as part of a veggie garden. She needs never know I didn’t intentionally plant them there. You can too! Continue at the link below for information on the benefits and use of this now non-weed in your own garden.

Foraging for Purple Dead Nettle

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