Frugal Recipes For Hard Times

Frugal Recipes For Hard Times

 Frugal Recipes For Hard Times

photo graphic: gracefullittlehoneybee

Everyone has had hard times, some more than others and some harder than others. As a single parent I have had my share! But no matter how tough a time you are experiencing you and your family especially if you have children need proper nutrition. That is not always easy to do. I recall as a child during hard times eating something we called mush. Basically, that is kindergarten child safe glue heated and topped with cinnamon, milk and flour soup! Although I myself have never eaten nor served my family ketchup sandwiches, I know folks who have and during hard times years ago recall my meal for the day was whatever my children left over after I fed them. Missy over at the Graceful Little Honeybee understands this and has gone to the effort to put together an inexpensive way to insure you do get that nutrition as well as a full belly. See her list of inexpensive recipes to feed your family during hard times.

35 Frugal Recipes to Make When You’re Broke

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