Games That Help Your Kids Be Prepared

Games That Help Your Kids Be Prepared

 Games That Help Your Kids Be Prepared

Photo: davidhernandez_dreamstimecrop

Any parent or grandparent can attest that their biggest fear in any emergency is the wellbeing of their kids or grandkids. They are often so small, so trusting, and so vulnerable that the idea of them being in harm’s way is terrifying.

Then as they get older, you would think the fear would decrease, but now they are outside playing, at school, with friends or family and out of your constant protection. So, we teach them repeatedly safety rules and precautions like look both ways before crossing the street, don’t talk to strangers, buckle up before the vehicle hits the road etc…  We can’t shove the information in their little heads fast enough to reassure ourselves that they will be ok.

We must do the same when it comes to issues of survival. Our children need to know when it is ok to break the rules. Like when it is ok to break a window to escape, when it is ok to be rude to an adult, or even when and how it is ok to build a fire even though playing with fire is not ok. However, we don’t want to scare them!

Children do get concerned about things they can’t control and that are out of the norm. When they learn there are things that mom, dad, and grandparents can’t control either or make alright they are scary. So, we want to teach them in a way that is non-threatening. Games can do that! This is how we teach them other positive traits like sportsmanship, and team work as well so they learn without fear.

Our favorite prepared mom has come up with 10 games that can assist parents in teaching kids’ preparedness skills without risking causing them concern. Good for both parents and grandparents bonding and teaching.


10 Great Pretend Games to Help Your Children Develop Preparedness Skills


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