Gluten Free Prepping

Gluten Free Prepping

 Gluten Free Prepping

Graphic: magmirenet

As celiac disease becomes more prevalent in American society, gluten free products are becoming more and more accessible and need to be accounted for in our preps. Although the cause of celiac disease is currently unknown, just like with some other allegories it can develop later in life and isn’t always something you are born with.

So even if you don’t have a person practicing a gluten free diet now in your group it could be something that develops along the way. My niece is the only one in our entire family with this issue and it didn’t develop until she was in her mid 20s! She found the illness caused by eating gluten to be very unpleasant and not something she or anyone else would want to develop during or after a SHTF event. See more information on gluten free stores and things you already have stored that can be used to supplement a gluten free diet.

Celiac Disease and the Problems of Food Storage


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