Gray Man Secrets From a Surveillance Operative

Gray Man Secrets From a Surveillance Operative

 Gray Man Secrets From a Surveillance Operative


Other than this site, for the most part I live my life gray. I simply don’t choose to stand out. I do admit that if and when a time were to come when being gray would be less a choice and more a necessity I would have to adjust my wardrobe! I wouldn’t say I was the most stylish but I do wear what I choose without regard for whether it stands out, is age appropriate, or is the newest fashion or not. I would have to choose more carefully based on what the crowd I wanted to blend into was wearing. Other than that, I would say I am rather unnoticeable and blend easily into a crowd. Average height, weight, coloring, etc..

But if you have to or choose to be gray there is a lot more to it than simply just blending into the crowd. I think my favorite quote about being gray or on the other side and doing the surveillance comes from Steve Koenig for publication in Pursuit Magazine.  Regarding a good surveillance operative:


Will melt into the background, wherever they happen to be. “The trick is NOT to be tricky. The trick is NOT to be invisible. The trick is to be unremarkable.”

For more secrets on being gray and what it means from an operative see the blog linked below from Graywolf Survival.

5 Gray Man secrets I learned as a surveillance operative

Additional “Gray” information:

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