“Green Roof” More Than a Trend

Green Roof” More Than a Trend

“Green Roof” More Than a Trend

Photo: urbansplatter

When I first saw this photo, my first thoughts were not pro green roofs. How would you keep it up? Mow your roof? Would weeding the roof go on your gardening to do list? What about the weight, would it bring down the roof? Moisture issues? and many more concerns. So when this kind of “green roof” kept coming up over and over during my browsing. I decided to learn more and answer some of those questions.

I really like the idea of using recycled and earth friendly products when building, especially new construction. Through my research browsing on this subject I have found there is indeed more to this idea of green roofs than I originally thought. See the components and ideas for other types of roof top gardens and the benefits to the builder as well as our planet at the featured link below

Rooftop Gardens – the “Green Roof” not just a Trend

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