Having the Don’t Come Here Chat

Having the Don’t Come Here Chat

 Having the Don't Come Here Chat

Graphic: dailymail_co_uk

We have all heard the “Well if anything bad happens, I/we will just come to your place”. Then they give you that silly grin which says without words (In my opinion). “You are so overreacting” and “If something bad does happen you will need me even more than now as you aren’t obviously reasonable or you wouldn’t be worrying about something that I don’t think will happen”.

What the prepper hears and sees in that statement and follow up silly grin is “I am lazy and irresponsible so; I will enjoy everything today while you are responsibly preparing for tomorrow so that you can take care of me and mine if and when disaster strikes”. More importantly they are saying to the prepper “I don’t value your hard work”.

Each party of that conversation hears the other saying “I don’t value you” when in fact the prepper is trying desperately even if he/she doesn’t realize it, to save the unprepared side’s quality of life and perhaps even their lives and what the other is trying to do is without hurting feelings is tell the prepper they are wasting their time and lowering their current quality of life based on a maybe. Both sides are actually showing a caring for the other, but it doesn’t feel that way!

What isn’t usually spoken other than in lighthearted bantering is that when the prepper tells them “No don’t come here” they mean it. First their responsibility is to their own family, secondly, they are hearing the other person for all intents and purposes dis their life choices, and lastly because they don’t want to have to have this chat when the scenario is desperate because as cold hearted as we hope we can be and know we may have to be… we don’t want to have to do so!

So, do we hope the lighthearted banter leaves an impression and when and yes, if the SHTF in a big way, and the unprepared party goes his/her own way and knows in advance how you feel about taking them in? Or do you need to have the serious … “no really really don’t come here in that situation” chat with them now.

Many have chosen to simply accept that those that mean enough to them that they may be unable to turn them away in crisis and do extra prepping for them, while others are adamant. If you decide to have the chat. Then see the homestead dreamer’s version of that conversation at the featured link below


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