Be Heard in Any Disaster with Unstoppable Communications

Be Heard in Any Disaster with Unstoppable Communications

Be Heard in Any Disaster with Unstoppable Communications

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I can’t say that I believe that any communication method is unstoppable. Under some duress scenarios all communications could be stopped. But that would be a very up close and personal situation.

In any disaster scenario communications both incoming and outgoing are extremely important to your wellbeing. Knowing what is going on, if another wave of disaster is on it way toward you, if help is on the way, what kind of help and when it’s coming, and even more personally if your loved ones are alright are all important issues to know and require some kind of incoming communication.

Outgoing communications are just as important. You could require assistance, have vital information to share, and people who are anxiously waiting to hear if you are ok.

Both can be the source of information that can determine what your next must or should be. The featured link below discusses which communication devices could best serve your purposes in a disaster.

Be Heard in Any Disaster with Unstoppable Communications-The Importance of Incoming and Outgoing Communications

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