Herbal Wound Care

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Herbal Wound Care

 Herbal Wound Care

Photo: orientalherb


In a crisis scenario of any kind, man-made or natural disaster, there will be injuries of some sort. Whether the situation is local or national medications and medical assistance will be more difficult to obtain. In this type of crisis a simple injury could become a life threatening problem. Wound care will be paramount to survival.

Using as an example when the tragedy of 9-11 happened on the east coast of the United States the majority of our medical resources were directed to that location. I was on the west coast of the United States at that time and a day or so after suffered a rather severe animal bite. My local doctor was unable to procure even something as simple as a tetanus shot! He had to place a special request to our wonderful Canadian neighbors to obtain not only the tetanus shot but the rest of the medications I required. A terrible tragedy thousands of miles from me could have cost me my hand without proper treatment. Imagine the chaos if the disaster happens nation or world wide!

Never replace appropriate medical care with any home remedy or herbal treatment. But knowing about herbal alternatives and treatments could save lives. Learn a bit about herbal wound care from our favorite Survival Mom at the link below

Herbal Wound Care Options

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