Hmong Squirrel Stew

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Hmong Squirrel Stew

Hmong Squirrel Stew



Many of the world’s population eat squirrel meat. It is easy game to hunt and use. I have tried it myself. It does not taste like chicken! 😛 If there is a SHTF event many more people will find squirrel on their menus. When I tried it, it was baked and a fairly simple farmers meal. If you are now eating squirrel this may be a new way for you to try it, and if you haven’t yet eaten squirrel a great way to see if it is to your taste. However if you are forced by nutritional needs to add this to your diet during a food crisis of any sort as a protein source, you may find it more palatable if you have a variety of cooking methods. If perhaps you are indeed an Asian food lover this could be just a great new dish to add to your addiction!! See the recipe for the Hmong version of stew linked below

Hmong Squirrel Stew

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