Home Remedies Recipes for Kidney Stones

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Home Remedies Recipes for Kidney Stones

Home Remedies Recipes for Kidney Stones

Photo: activebeat

I have been blessed to never have had a kidney stone. I am told they are extraordinarily painful. I have witnessed others suffer and that got me thinking about dealing with this medical issue without costly medical expenses (if it isn’t so bad that a doctor must be consulted during normal times) and for a time when medical care such as surgical removal or laser treatments may not be available. If I or someone in my group were to have this painful condition during a SHTF event it would have to be dealt with. It could completely incapacitate that person and put the entire group in jeopardy. .

Kidney stones are not all created equal The severity and type depend upon the cause and the biologics of the individual. This is why once a stone is passed  it is always best to take the stone to your doctor to determine its chemical makeup and use that information to assist you in changes to your lifestyle and or diet to prevent further episodes. The tendency to form kidney stones can be hereditary. This genetic tendency together with a diet too high in proteins or too many carbohydrates combined with either not drinking enough or drinking things high in salt or sugar and you have a kidney stone in the making.

The best way to avoid them all together is to eat lean meats, take in lots of fiber and drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. But if you have a tendency to form stones there are other natural preventatives and some say remedies once you have them that may make you less prone to them and help you pass and dissolve them quicker lessening the pain involved.

To assist in dissolving existing stones you can try the following:

  • 250 g of cold pressed (Extra Virgin) olive oil
  • 250g of lemon (with peel)
  • 250 g of root of parsley
  • 250 g of organic honey
  • 1 cup of maple syrup

Wash the lemon, parsley root and chop finely. Put these ingredients in a blender and blend well. Add the maple syrup, honey and olive oil to the blender and continue to blend until smooth. Pour the mixture into a glass container and refrigerate.

Take one Tablespoon each morning on an empty stomach and drink lots of extra water everyday until the stone passes.


For help in dissolving gall stones and kidney stones:

Mix well and drink. Follow up with lots of extra water that day. Repeat for 3 days.


To dissolve kidney stones:

  • 2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 cup warm water

Drink this mixture several times a day until the pain stops and when the stone is dissolved or passed.


To help prevent stones from enlarging or forming:

  • 2 teaspoons dried nettle leaf
  • 1 cup water

Steep into a tea and strain. Drink 2 or 3 cups a day for a few weeks.


To help prevent stones from enlarging or forming:

  • 1 teaspoon basil juice
  • 1 teaspoon honey

Mix well and take a dose of this each morning for 5-6 months.

Never replace your doctor’s professional advice with a home remedy. Kidney stones may require medical intervention and pain control  if available. If you try a remedy and it doesn’t work for you, you may want to try a different method as kidney stones can be different in chemical make up.

(Resource: National Kidney Foundation)

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